Added by Marc Walter almost 6 years ago
Hi dev's and folks,
I want to install for internal private usage a openproject installation. I have Centos 7 installed and I deactivated the firewall and SElinux. I created a new user with sudo privileges but I can't install OpenProject because of this error. The errors means I can't connect to the server because of a missing file or path. Maybe the server is not running or not acception local connections?
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-10.service.
psql: konnte nicht mit dem Server verbinden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Läuft der Server lokal und akzeptiert er Verbindungen
auf dem Unix-Domain-Socket »/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.45432«?
I really don't know what to do I have tried to install it with root but I get the same error. I have restored my vm several times before I wrote here but at the moment I don't have any ideas.
Can someone help?
Replies (14)
I used the configure script and got the same error and i just figured out a solution.
The steps i followed to make it work:
Hi Ale,
Thank you so, I'm not the only one ;=) but i'm always the first one. It doesn't matter which linux software I want to install i always get in trouble.
Can someone from the dev's have a look at this. Because it looks like a packaging issue on centos 7. I try it now again and set my VM back ;).... I will give you an update soon.....
The problem is still the same on a fresh centos 7 installation. So you won't be able to install it with the normal installer.
I will try the steps from Ale if I get some more info... first attempt I wasn't able to fix it.
Yes exactly the same issue it's definitely an issue with postgres.
Yesteday i spent most of my day trying to solve this thing. I managed to make it work but the way i solved it it's pretty unsafe. Setting trust to postgresql means everyone who has access to the machine is able to access the database as well. I ended up using a Debian Server (the setup just works) but i would be way happier to use a CentOS install since my network is all based on that distro.
Here's the link to the manual setup:
As a side note on the debian install the pg_hba.conf looks like this:
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local all postgres peer
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
local replication all peer
host replication all md5
host replication all ::1/128 md5
But when i try to set it the same way on centos it fails...
Hello, sorry for the inconvenience. I am looking into this issue. I'll update this ticket when it's fixed.
Thank you Ale,
Yes this is not a solution "TRUST". Hmm yes ok, Ubuntu is ok but as you: I prefer CentOS.
Hi Cyril
Let me know when it's fixed. I can test it very fast since my snapshot is still available ;).
A newer package has been released that fixes this issue. If you can, I would recommend reinstalling from scratch.
If not possible, you will need to purge the
package, and remove/usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service
for the installer to attempt to reinstall postgres10 automatically. Only do this after checking that you don't have anything valuable in that postgres instance (it was installed by OpenProject so there should only be the openproject database in there).Thanks, i'm gonna try right now! I'll let you know asap.
Restored virtual machine - nothing was installed before that it's a blank system.
Then i did the following:
But same error:
Shouldn't it be version 9?
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/openproject-ce.repo \
I can confirm it works! Thanks a lot!
Same here... I can confirm in V.9.01 it's working fine the installation on CentOS 7.
Thank you for fixing that.
Hi all together
I've exactly the same problem, but with the V10.2. I've created also a new clean vm and installed with the instruction. But now there's exatly the same issue, after the configuration:
Could it be, there is a new bug? What can I test?
Thanks for reply
Patric Distel wrote:
I tested now with an other centos 7 vm (not our template) to be sure there is nothing on it and I have stil the exact the same error.
Anyone an idea?