Added by anuj teotia almost 11 years ago
i just installed open project on CentOS 6.5( for production use but i am unable to login with account “admin” and password “admin”. i checked postgres database but there is no admin user. so please help me how to set admin account first time after fresh installation.
Thanks and Regards,
Anuj Teotia
Replies (5)
Hello Anuj,
just execute the seeds with
rake db:seed
. After this the admin account should be available in the database as well as in OpenProject.Does it work?
Kind regards,
thank you very much Hagen for help but i am still unable to login with admin account. i fired the command rake db:seed no error generated. below is ouput of last few lines
for user number 29 (Gilberto4612)
……create issues……………………………………………………………………..
……create messages……
……create news…………….
……create wikis…….done.
798 issues created.
1562 messages created.
406 news created.
109 wiki contents created.
145 time entries created.
58 changesets created.
Creating seeded project…done.
***** Loading coffee_rails_engine seed data
***** Loading jquery_ui_rails_engine seed data
***** Loading select2_rails_engine seed data
***** Loading jquery_atwho_rails_engine seed data
***** Loading prototype_rails_engine seed data
***** Loading jquery_rails_engine seed data
***** Loading i18n_js_engine seed data
***** Loading openproject_plugins seed data
***** Loading openproject_meeting seed data
***** Loading openproject_pdf_export seed data
***** Loading openproject_backlogs seed data
Thanks and Regards,
Anuj Teotia
Hi Anuj,
sorry, my fault. By default
rake db:seed
creates the development seeds with some test data. If you run your server in production you have to prependRAILS_ENV=production
so the command becomesRAILS_ENV=production rake db:seed
. So, when you’re running your server in production mode the admin account should be available.Kind regards,
(solved) so nice of you hagen. now i am able to login with admin account.
Thanks and Regards,
Anuj Teotia
There was the mistake reported in Bitnami documentation for the credentials to login into the portal the first time.
username: User
password: bitnami
In case credentials didnt work login into the database and see the table "users" to know the details of the user accounts.