Added by Riccardo Sighinolfi about 6 years ago
Hi everyone
For us, the only obstacle to the adoption of openproject is the impossibility of changing the order of the tasks.
We tried to add a custom field and use it as a sort, but we lose the hierarchical view of the tasks.
The use of the gant partly solves the problem but we use it only in structured projects. Most projects are a very simple todo list.
For us it is essential to be able to reorder the tasks, for example:
At the beginning of the project we insert task 1, task 2 and task 3. But after a few weeks a new task is needed and must be done after 2 but before 3. We can insert dependencies but we do not want to set up the gant, we need of a simple and reorderable list.
it's really important for us to find a solution,
Thank you
Replies (5)
Its possible to reorder stories using the Backlogs plugins.
Hi Ricardo
Thanks for the help, but unfortunately (if I understand correctly) the backlogs do not maintain the hierarchical view. It's correct?
Thanks again
Hi Ricardo
Thanks for the help, but unfortunately (if I understand correctly) the backlogs do not maintain the hierarchical view. It's correct?
Thanks again
They don't. And tasks aren't displayed there, only stories.
Thanks, so it's not the solution I was looking for, are there any other alternatives?