Added by Alex Z over 6 years ago
I'm wondering if there is any way to get value of custom fields for Project through API?
According to API that I found, currently it's impossible to get custom fields for Projects: Compare to API for Work Packages where we can get this information (will be attached to `_links` object).
Is there any plan to support this?
Replies (6)
Hi Alex,
for Q1/Q2 2019 we plan an API for custom fields that allows you to CRUD custom fields.
Does this help?
Hi, Niels
Yes, this is exactly what I want! Thank you for prompt reply
Sincerely, Alex
Any news about that? These apis are not available yet
Niels Lindenthal wrote:
Hi Christian,
yes, there were some other feature prioritized. There are good chances that we will implement it as part of 12.0 (Q3 2021). It is a co-sponsorship with Deutsche Bahn.
Any news guys please about this ?
Best regards
As of now in API/v3,
If you have custom fields like feeding the input directly (Example: Date, Text, Integer, etc.), you can use the custom field name in the payload.
Suppose if your custom fields are lists, then you should know the custom field name and each custom option ID.
I hope it will help you.