Added by bnmn smp over 6 years ago
Hi OpenProject-Community,
I installed OpenProject, as explained here for Ubuntu 18.04
After running the configuration I realized, that this is not a software I could recommend to use it in our small campaign group.
So I uninstalled OpenProject (via OpenProject) but there are still changes on my system, how do I remove/reset them?
I was not even able to remove the user openproject:
userdel: user openproject is currently used by process
I killed the process but keeping getting that message, despite the process cannot be found by "kill" anymore
I did not found any uninstall instructions on your pages, which seems quit unprofessional to me, as removing software should be treated as important as installing it.
The posts in this forum also did not provide any help.
So how do I remove the leftover clutter?
Replies (6)
Seems that it is a secret the community does not want to share, since I did not find answers to this repeated question. So, here is what I did on a Ubuntu 18.04:
Thanks, that helped!
Thanks - Also worked on Ubuntu 16.04.3
Worked in Debian 11. Thanks
rm -rf /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/7/openproject
rm -rf /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/openproject
Thanks for sharing