Added by najera dominguez almost 11 years ago
Hi guys, when I click the Sign in button the menu slides down and up too fast that I’m not able to capture my username and password. I think the problem could be related to the internet explorer but the same happens with Firefox, Chrome and IE.
I found that in the top_menu.js exists a function called slideDown that if and old browser is detected the slideDown effect is created with CSS otherwise the effect is created with the jquery function slideDown. I change the following line: if(this.oldBrowser) to if(!this.oldBrowser). This change solve my problem and now the effect always is created with CSS.
Now I can login and create a test project pretty nice but once again when I click Work Packages in the left side menu the option New work package and Summary don’t show up. I analyze the html and the list elements are there.
Can you please provide me some advice on how to solve this problem.
Thank you in advanced !
Replies (4)
Hi Najera,
do you run OpenProject in development or production mode?
I know such problems only from wrong assets.
Hi, Christian
Yes, it’s running in production mode.
Hi Christian, if I run the server in test mode the problem not occur.
Do you have any idea on how to solve the problem with the assets?
Hi Najera,
I think you just have to precompile the assets again with the following command: