OpenProject gets a fresher, cleaner, flatter design
First, we had to clean-up a lot of the old CSS structure before we started to implement the new icon fonts as well as the changes in the layout and navigation. Now, we will continuously re-redesign also the different views in the content area and harmonize the user interface.
The focus of our first sprint were the following design components:
- Clean-up of old CSS structure
- Change OpenProject logo and header navigation
- Implement icon-fonts
- Re-design project navigation, incl. icons
- Re-design landing page
The next steps are:
- Re-design of views in content area
- Harmonize functionalities across the modules (forms, tables, select-boxes, drop-downs, etc.)
- Re-design views in system administration
- Create and distribute OpenProject styleguide for future developments
Thanks a lot to Christoph Zierz from ZZ Media who contributed all related design work.