Updated by Jens Ulferts 5 days ago
**As** a project manager and project portfolio manager
**I want to** have a terminology in OpenProject which maps to my existing training in project management (PM2, PMflex)
**so that** I easily get familiar with adapting OpenProject in my projects.
**As** a project portfolio manager
**I want to** have gates be a property of a phase
**so that** I have an easier time managing them.
**Acceptance criteria**
* General:
* Gates are no longer a separate entity but a property of a phase.
* For now, phases can be configured Rename "Stage" to have a gate at the end. A name can be assigned to that gate that is independent of the phase name.
* Phases were named stages before. This is Rename "Gates" to be changed throughout the application. Gates are to be called "Phase gates".
* Technical: The change in name it reflected throughout the code base.
* The icons uses to visualize gates (and phase gates) is changed according to the figma file.
* Global administration:
* The edit page of a phase has a boolean for activating the phase gate and an input for the name of the gate.
* The index page of the global administration shows the gates as a property of the phase.
* Project administration:
* The project administration displays the gates as a property of the phase. The activation state of a gate is therefore always toggled together with its phase.
* \[open\] How to display the stage name?
* Project list:
* Filters:
* The filters on lifecycle elements need to be adapted but the functionality of the filters remains the same.
* Columns:
* Gates are no longer separate columns. Instead, the column for a phase shows the gate as well.
* \[open\] How to display the gate name?
* Project overview:
* In the sidebar, the phases are listed (icon changes?)
* Gates are symbolized by an icon next to the phase dates.
* Seeding:
* The seed data following PM2 is adapted so that the gates are now properties of the phases.
* The work package type currently called "Phase" is renamed in the seed data according to the table in the "Translation considerations" section.
* Migration:
* Existing gates following a phase are to be converted to phase gates of the preceding phase.
* Gates at the very beginning (before a phase) are ignored and will just vanish. The feature is still behind a feature flag and the seeded data does not have this edge case.
* Project lists don't need to be migrated. The feature flag is still in place.
* Journalization
* \[open\] Probably the journalization would change and become simpler. It needs to be determined if the gates remain to be mentioned separately. Proposal: They are not.
**Out of scope**
* There is migration changing the work package type "Phase" to "Summary task" below.
**Translation considerations**
<figure class="table op-uc-figure_align-center op-uc-figure"><table class="op-uc-table"><thead class="op-uc-table--head"><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><th class="op-uc-table--cell op-uc-table--cell_head"><p class="op-uc-p">Current</p></th><th class="op-uc-table--cell op-uc-table--cell_head" style="text-align:center;" colspan="5"><p class="op-uc-p">New</p></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>EN</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>FR</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>DE</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>ES</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>IT</strong></p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Stage</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Fase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Fase</p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Gate</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase gate</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Point de contrôle</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phasenübergang</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Puertas de Fase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Passaggio di fase</p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>Work package types in seed data</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Summary task</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Tâche récapitulative</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Sammelvorgang</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Tarea de resumen</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Attività di riepilogo</p></td></tr></tbody></table></figure>
**Figma link** **Out of scope** * There is migration changing the work package type &quot;Phase&quot; to &quot;Summary task&quot;
**I want to** have a terminology in OpenProject which maps to my existing training in project management (PM2, PMflex)
**so that** I easily get familiar with adapting OpenProject in my projects.
**As** a project portfolio manager
**I want to** have gates be a property of a phase
**so that** I have an easier time managing them.
**Acceptance criteria**
* General:
* Gates are no longer a separate entity but a property of a phase.
* For now, phases can be configured
* The icons uses to visualize gates (and phase gates) is changed according to the figma file.
* Global administration:
* The edit page of a phase has a boolean for activating the phase gate and an input for the name of the gate.
* The index page of the global administration shows the gates as a property of the phase.
* Project administration:
* The project administration displays the gates as a property of the phase. The activation state of a gate is therefore always toggled together with its phase.
* \[open\] How to display the stage name?
* Project list:
* Filters:
* The filters on lifecycle elements need to be adapted but the functionality of the filters remains the same.
* Columns:
* Gates are no longer separate columns. Instead, the column for a phase shows the gate as well.
* \[open\] How to display the gate name?
* Project overview:
* In the sidebar, the phases are listed (icon changes?)
* Gates are symbolized by an icon next to the phase dates.
* Seeding:
* The seed data following PM2 is adapted so that the gates are now properties of the phases.
* The work package type currently called "Phase" is renamed in the seed data according to the table in the "Translation considerations" section.
* Migration:
* Existing gates following a phase are to be converted to phase gates of the preceding phase.
* Gates at the very beginning (before a phase) are ignored and will just vanish. The feature is still behind a feature flag and the seeded data does not have this edge case.
* Project lists don't need to be migrated. The feature flag is still in place.
* Journalization
* \[open\] Probably the journalization would change and become simpler. It needs to be determined if the gates remain to be mentioned separately. Proposal: They are not.
**Out of scope**
* There is migration changing the work package type "Phase" to "Summary task"
**Translation considerations**
<figure class="table op-uc-figure_align-center op-uc-figure"><table class="op-uc-table"><thead class="op-uc-table--head"><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><th class="op-uc-table--cell op-uc-table--cell_head"><p class="op-uc-p">Current</p></th><th class="op-uc-table--cell op-uc-table--cell_head" style="text-align:center;" colspan="5"><p class="op-uc-p">New</p></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>EN</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>FR</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>DE</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>ES</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>IT</strong></p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Stage</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Fase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Fase</p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Gate</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase gate</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Point de contrôle</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phasenübergang</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Puertas de Fase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Passaggio di fase</p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><strong>Work package types in seed data</strong></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p"><br></p></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Phase</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Summary task</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Tâche récapitulative</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Sammelvorgang</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Tarea de resumen</p></td><td class="op-uc-table--cell"><p class="op-uc-p">Attività di riepilogo</p></td></tr></tbody></table></figure>
**Figma link**