Updated by Oliver Günther 11 days ago
**As** a User/Admin/everybody
**I want to** use the link to local URLs, application URLs, other other non-http(s) URLs that the browser supports
**so that** we can use it with existing DMS, and other local applications
* Application URL schemes:
* vis://FE0E3D1D-9DC5-4931-BF6C-9E01216047A4/3/8326584
* dict://term lookup
* vscode://file/path/to/file
* • figma://
* element://vector/webapp/#/room/!ID
* tel://number
* sms://number
* facetime://number
**Out of scope**
* Provide working links to `file://` local links, file-local files, which all modern browsers block. The configuration will allow to whitelist them, but will be able to provide a working link block
**I want to** use the link to local URLs, application URLs, other other non-http(s) URLs that the browser supports
**so that** we can use it with existing DMS, and other local applications
* Application URL schemes:
* vis://FE0E3D1D-9DC5-4931-BF6C-9E01216047A4/3/8326584
* dict://term lookup
* vscode://file/path/to/file
* • figma://
* element://vector/webapp/#/room/!ID
* tel://number
* sms://number
* facetime://number
**Out of scope**
* Provide working links to `file://` local links,