Updated by Oliver Günther 11 days ago
**As** a _user_
**I want to** see the child of a filtered workpackage in the filter table
**so that** _I can quickly check which children belong to a workpackage._
_Right now I have to filter for the child to get the hierarchy with the parent in it. But I would like to be able to filter for the parent instead and expand the view where needed to see the child. A column for "parent" already exists, but not for "child"._
**Acceptance criteria**
* _a column named "Children" with an expandable view of the child relation is available, which behaves similar to other relationship columns_
* _as an example:_
_<img class="op-uc-image op-uc-image_inline" src="/api/v3/attachments/64054/content">_
**I want to** see the child of a filtered workpackage in the filter table
**so that** _I can quickly check which children belong to a workpackage._
_Right now I have to filter for the child to get the hierarchy with the parent in it. But I would like to be able to filter for the parent instead and expand the view where needed to see the child. A column for "parent" already exists, but not for "child"._
**Acceptance criteria**
* _a column named "Children" with an expandable view of the child relation is available, which behaves similar to other relationship columns_