Updated by Niels Lindenthal 4 days ago
**As** a project member
**I want** be able to view and edit my logged time with start and finish time in the my spent time widget.
**so that** I see the spent time in the calendar view.
**Acceptance criteria**
* There is a new module _Time tracking_ e.g. "Time tracking".
* The time tracking module can be accessed through an icon in the header navigation.
* The _My "My spent time_ is deprecated. It time" widget remains in the _My page_. my page. It will be replaced removed in a separate step. We don't invest effort into this widget.
* In the _My page_ My page there is a link/teaser an info above the widget that explains where to the log time now.
* When time tracking module (mockups tbd). with hours is not globally enforced but activated there is a toggle that enables "Log time with exact hour" vs. "Log time on days".
* Time logs which do not have start and finish time are shown in the column header above the day view. In case there are more than 3 time logs there is a button "+ x more". This links to the cost report with the correct filter settings (user = me + selected day).
<img class="image_resized op-uc-image op-uc-image_inline" style="width:417px;" src="/api/v3/attachments/308380/content">
* There is a green button "Log time" which opens the time tracking modal.
* Click and expand in the calendar pre-selects preselects the date and hours in the modal. modal
**Out of scope**
* Better ways to find the most relevant work packages to log time on.
* Filter, e.g. for work packages.
* Show meetings.
* Time entry status
**I want** be able to view and edit my logged time with start and finish time in the my spent time widget.
**so that** I see the spent time in the calendar view.
**Acceptance criteria**
* There is a new module _Time tracking_ e.g.
* The time tracking module can be accessed through an icon in the header navigation.
* The _My
* In the _My page_
* When time
* Time logs which do not have start and finish time are shown in the column header above the day view. In case there are more than 3 time logs there is a button "+ x more". This links to the cost report with the correct filter settings (user = me + selected day).
<img class="image_resized op-uc-image op-uc-image_inline" style="width:417px;" src="/api/v3/attachments/308380/content">
* Click and expand in the calendar pre-selects
**Out of scope**
* Better ways to find the most relevant work packages to log time on.
* Filter, e.g. for work packages.
* Show meetings.
* Time entry status