Updated by Alexander Stock 1 day ago
**As** an administrator
**I want to** limit the number of users who have the permission to create new subprojects to a few "super users" at a global level
**so that** other users, such as project admins, cannot create new projects or sub-projects
**Acceptance criteria**
* Add "create sub-projects" as a global permission (that can be added to global roles)
* Automatically check this by default when the "create projects" permission is enabled?
**Open questions**
* Should the "Create sub-projects" permission in non-global roles stay as it is? _Presumably this should be untouched._
[Feedback from a customer]( for whom the current setup is causing problems because of the large number of projects (and project admins) and the relatively small number of "super admins" that they would like to give the ability to create sub-projects. It also is a main concern hat non-global users shall not be able to create subprojects on their own. With the current capabilities, they can potentially assign themselves a role that has a _create subprojects_ permission (e.g. as a project admin).
**I want to** limit the number of users who have the permission to create new subprojects to a few "super users" at a global level
**so that** other users, such as project admins, cannot create new projects or sub-projects
**Acceptance criteria**
* Add "create sub-projects" as a global permission (that can be added to global roles)
* Automatically check this by default when the "create projects" permission is enabled?
**Open questions**
* Should the "Create sub-projects" permission in non-global roles stay as it is? _Presumably this should be untouched._
[Feedback from a customer]( for whom the current setup is causing problems because of the large number of projects (and project admins) and the relatively small number of "super admins" that they would like to give the ability to create sub-projects. It also is a main concern hat non-global users shall not be able to create subprojects on their own. With the current capabilities, they can potentially assign themselves a role that has a _create subprojects_ permission (e.g. as a project admin).