Updated by Wieland Lindenthal about 2 months ago
### Steps to reproduce
_Please write down the steps to reproduce. Try to write down all necessary preconditions (what permissions do you have, are other users involved?). Example:_
1. \-
### What is the buggy behavior?
_Please describe the bug in as much detail as possible. Example:_
* After Upgrade to OpenProject 15.0.0 / 15.0.1 commit messages are missing in work packages activity.
### What is the expected behavior?
_Describe how the application should behave like. Example:_
1. Commit Messages are shown in activity like in previous version.
### Environment information
_Please check and fill out the following details to help us identify in what versions and distributions of OpenProject the error occurs_
**OpenProject installation type**
* Docker All-in-one container
**OpenProject version**
_If you're not running on the cloud edition, please specify the version of OpenProject you're running. Example: v12.1.5_
* [x] Chrome
* [ ] Firefox
* [ ] Safari
* [ ] Mobile Safari
* [ ] Other (please specify)
**Operating System**
* [x] Windows
* [ ] Mac OS X
* [ ] Mobile iOS
* [ ] Mobile Android
* [x] Linux (please specify distro) Ubuntu
* [ ] Chrome OS
* [ ] Other (please specify)
German_._ _German._
_Please write down the steps to reproduce. Try to write down all necessary preconditions (what permissions do you have, are other users involved?). Example:_
1. \-
### What is the expected behavior?
### Environment information
* Docker All-in-one container
**OpenProject version**
* [x] Chrome
* [ ] Firefox
* [ ] Safari
* [ ] Mobile Safari
* [ ] Other (please specify)
**Operating System**
* [x] Windows
* [ ] Mac OS X
* [ ] Mobile iOS
* [ ] Mobile Android
* [x] Linux (please specify distro) Ubuntu
* [ ] Chrome OS
* [ ] Other (please specify)