Updated by Bernd Petraus about 3 years ago
### User Problem
#### User
_What persona, persona segment, or customer type experiences the problem most acutely?_
* Project manager
* Project member
#### **Problem**
_What problem or job does the user have? (+)_
* user needs to connect tasks and documents
* "this document has to be updated. i create a task and point to this document."
* "i want to make sure the assignee of this task know what documents he has to consider. "
* he currently works in two worlds (tasks and documents), which actually belong together
#### **Pain**
_What is the primary workaround that users perform that we could remove or replace? Why is it painful?_
* hard links (URL or file system) between systems
* naming conventions (similar names to make clear what belongs where)
* its fragile, because URLs may change, names get changed ect.
### Solution
_How do we solve the user’s problem. What is our “pain killer”? What must we achieve in the first version of the solution in order to achieve value for the user?_
* integrate openproject with a document management system (e.g. NextCloud)
* so user can connect and easily switch between tasks (OpenProject) and folders/ files (NextCloud)
* tasks can be connected with folders, not just files (e.g.: user can see folder (and content of folder) in a frame in OpenProject)
* user can see (and navigate) thorugh connected folder strcuture
* if a file is a IFC he can open it in the bcf module (BIM edition)
* single sign on
#### Out of Scope for the MVC
_What should NOT be in the minimal viable change, and can be considered for future iterations? Why? Please order them by importance._
* folder navigation (see above)
* most important case: user comes from OpenProject and wants to see connected folders/files (so OpenProject is the leading software here) ==> from a users perspective it is more important to properly integrate NextCloud into OpenProject, less important OpenProject into NextCloud
* ifc integration (see above)
* no deeply integrated permissions (just sign on)
#### Differentiation
_What do you believe will differentiate us from the current experience or competitive experiences?_
* integration of two softwares make things super clear
* you always know, whether you are in the taks world (OpenProject) or in the documents world (NextCloud)
#### Next iteration
_What is the next solution that would allow us to release meaningful customer value quickly?_
* maybe <mention class="mention" data-id="33350" data-type="work_package" data-text="#33350">#33350</mention>
### Launch and Growth
#### Measures
_How will you know you solved the problem? Please list measurable, quantitative indicators (preferred) or qualitative ways you plan on assessing the solution?_
* tbd
#### Messaging
_If you were to write a press release, how would you describe the value to customers?_
<figure class="table op-uc-figure_align-center op-uc-figure"><table class="op-uc-table"><tbody><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><th class="op-uc-table--cell op-uc-table--cell_head">Headline</th><td class="op-uc-table--cell"></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><th class="op-uc-table--cell op-uc-table--cell_head">First Paragraph</th><td class="op-uc-table--cell"></td></tr><tr class="op-uc-table--row"><th class="op-uc-table--cell op-uc-table--cell_head">Customer Quote</th><td class="op-uc-table--cell"></td></tr></tbody></table></figure>
#### Go to market
_How are you planning on getting this into users' hands?_