Enterprise add-on coming with OpenProject 13.1: Sharing a work package – How does it work?
New blog article is published
The release of OpenProject 13.1 is getting closer! Today we would like to introduce you to an enterprise add-on that is planned for 13.1 in December: Sharing work packages with users outside a project. ♻ 👩💻
In our latest blog article, we present typical scenarios in which sharing a work package outside of a project is important. We also explain how the feature works – and what is currently not yet possible:
➡ Enterprise add-on: Sharing a work package – How does it work?
❗ Good to know: For now, OpenProject does not yet offer guest accounts. This means that with OpenProject 13.1, you cannot share work packages to any external person – they have to be or became a member of the instance.