Updated by Oliver Günther 8 days ago
**As** an organizer or attendee of meetings
**I want to** define a template for the meeting occurrences
**so that** I don't have to manually control participants, predefined agenda, or other details
**Acceptance criteria**
The template of a meeting series looks like a regular meeting page except for these specificities:
* The Every recurring meeting agenda page is has one level lower than the regular meeting agenda page:
* The breadcrumb will be "{Project name} / Meetings / {Meeting series name} / Template"
* The title will be: "{Series name} (Template)" (with the "Template" in parentheses in template looks almost identical to a lighter shade) dynamic meeting instance, except:
* The title There is editable. This determines the name of the series. no start date defined
* The description in the PageHeader will be the same as page header includes a  reference to it being a template for a regular meeting:"Created by {author}. Last updated {last-updated-time}". Recurring meeting X
* The _Meeting details_ pane Meeting templates do not appear on the left:
* Is titled "Meeting series details" instead of "Meeting details"
* Has an additional line on top with:
* Icon: recurring icon ("iterations")
* Text: the frequency of the meeting (eg. "Every week", "Every month")
* Editing meeting details here
* On top of the meeting agenda, there is a flash that takes the width of the left (content) pane:
* Type: Info (blue)
* Text: "You list, nor are currently editing they selectable when adding work packages to a template for a recurring meeting. Every new occurrence of a meeting in this series will be based on this template. Changes will not affect past or manually-edited meetings."
* Editing the elements of the template (meeting title, meeting details, agenda items, participants or attachments) will change them for all future occurrences of the series
**I want to** define a template for the meeting occurrences
**so that** I don't have to manually control participants, predefined agenda, or other details
**Acceptance criteria**
The template of a meeting series looks like a regular meeting page except for these specificities:
* The
* The title will be: "{Series name} (Template)" (with the "Template" in parentheses in
* The title
* The description in the PageHeader will be the same as
* The _Meeting details_ pane
* Is titled "Meeting series details" instead of "Meeting details"
* Has an additional line on top with:
* Icon: recurring icon ("iterations")
* Text: the frequency of the meeting (eg. "Every week", "Every month")
* Editing meeting details here
* On top of the meeting agenda, there is a flash that takes the width of the left (content) pane:
* Type: Info (blue)
* Text: "You
* Editing the elements of the template (meeting title, meeting details, agenda items, participants or attachments) will change them for all future occurrences of the series